臺灣全民學習平台 智慧服務與大數據分析 講師:李孟晃、李建國、洪大為 影音教學 中文發音(DVD版)
教師姓名:李孟晃 / Meng-Huang Lee教師簡介:實踐大學資訊科技與管理學系教授兼教務長和管理學院院長,擅長領域為Cloud Computing、Over the Top、IPTV。
教師姓名:李建國 / Chien-Kuo Li教師簡介:實踐大學資訊科技與管理學系副教授,擅長領域為智慧型系統、人工智慧、演化型計算、資料探勘、遊戲式學習。
教師姓名:洪大為 / Ta-Wei Hung教師簡介:實踐大學資訊科技與管理學系副教授,擅長領域為最佳化方法與應用、管理與決策、資料科學、機器學習。
01_Course overview!BAWS Overview!BAWS Certification and Learning Resources
001_Course Outline.mp4
002_AWS OverviewCloud Computing Platform Overview.mp4
003_AWS OverviewAWS in Shih Chien University.mp4
004_AWS Certification and Learning ResourcesForeword.mp4
005_AWS Certification and Learning ResourcesAWS Certification Overview.mp4
006_AWS Certification and Learning ResourcesAWS Learning Resources.mp4
02_Interactive with AWS!BIntroduction to AWS Machine Learning Services and Amazon SageMaker
007_Interact with AWSForeword.mp4
008_Interact with AWSSign in AWS Academy Learner Lab..mp4
009_Interact with AWSStart the LabEnvironment.mp4
010_Interact with AWSAWS Management Console.mp4
011_Introduction to AWS Machine Learning Services and Amazon SageMakerForeword.mp4
03_AWS Rekognition Service!BNatural Language Processing(I) Polly, Translate, Comprehend
016_AWS Rekognition ServiceIntroduction to Computer Vision.mp4
017_AWS Rekognition ServiceAWS Rekognition Demo.mp4
018_AWS Rekognition ServiceAWS Rekognition and Python(I).mp4
019_AWS Rekognition ServiceAWS Rekognition and Python(II).mp4
020_Natural Language Processing(I)Polly, Translate, ComprehendForeword.mp4
021_Natural Language Processing(I)Polly, Translate, ComprehendPolly.mp4
022_Natural Language Processing(I)Polly, Translate, ComprehendTranslate.mp4
023_Natural Language Processing(I)Polly, Translate, ComprehendComprehend-1.mp4
024_Natural Language Processing(I)Polly, Translate, ComprehendComprehend-2.mp4
04_Natural Language Processing (II) Building Chatbots with Amazon Lex
025_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexForeword.mp4
028_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexFeatures and Capabilities of Amazon Lex-1.mp4
029_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexFeatures and Capabilities of Amazon Lex-2.mp4
030_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexUsing Amazon Lex API to Build a Chatbot-1.mp4
031_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexUsing Amazon Lex API to Build a Chatbot-2.mp4
032_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexUsing Amazon Lex API to Build a Chatbot-3.mp4
033_Natural Language Processing (II)Building Chatbots with Amazon LexUsing Amazon Lex API to Build a Chatbot-4.mp4
05_Store and Query Data in Amazon S3!BQuery data in Amazon S3 with Amazon Athena and AWS Glue
034_Store and Query Data in Amazon S3Introduction to Amazon S3.mp4
035_Store and Query Data in Amazon S3Login Amazon AWS Cloud.mp4
036_Store and Query Data in Amazon S3Access Amazon S3 in the AWS Management Console.mp4
038_Store and Query Data in Amazon S3Query data in an S3 bucket.mp4
039_Query data in Amazon S3 with Amazon Athena and AWS GlueForeword.mp4
040_Query Athena-1.mp4
041_Query Athena-2.mp4
042_Query data in Amazon S3 with Amazon Athena and AWS GlueUsing Athena views-1.mp4
043_Query data in Amazon S3 with Amazon Athena and AWS GlueUsing Athena views-2.mp4
06_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon Redshift
044_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftForeword-1.mp4
045_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftForeword-2.mp4
046_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftAccess Amazon Redshift and Create a Redshift cluster-1.mp4
047_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftAccess Amazon Redshift and Create a Redshift cluster-2.mp4
048_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftConfigure a Redshift cluster-1.mp4
049_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftConfigure a Redshift cluster-2.mp4
050_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftCreate a database, schemas, and tables with the Redshift cluster.mp4
051_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftLoad data into tables in the database in a Redshift cluster-1.mp4
052_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftLoad data into tables in the database in a Redshift cluster-2.mp4
053_Storing and Analyzing Data by Using Amazon RedshiftQuery data within a Redshift cluster.mp4
臺灣全民學習平台 中文數位導航式寫作 講師:HsuChi-fang 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 代謝症候群的運動與營養 講師:李彗禎、黃惠珮 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 FM-第一次玩Unity 3D就上手:VR實戰教學 講師:李俊逸 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 虛擬實境與語言學習(2022秋季班) 講師:楊茂村、施雅純、JasonGrenier 吳仙風 影音教學 中文發音(DVD版)
臺灣全民學習平台 聊教學,談實踐,鬥陣來研究 講師:張正杰、林綠芳、王彙喬、鄭孟淙、許華倚 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)